Re: Automatic item numbering
I have refined the code some more to account for deletions and additions and blank rows affecting the sequence. Using the three columns, RowID, Level & WBS. Task is the column with the Task Names…1 · -
Re: Smartsheetlabs map is being depreciated. Any alternative?
I have started looking at Mapsly.com It might be something you can use. They are apparently working with SmartSheet to "get it working inside", which was the response I received when I aske…1 · -
Re: Populating Reports from multiple sheets in a Workspace
You can add all the sheets in a workspace or folder by clicking on the icon but it will selected every sheet, so organizing the sheets you want to report on into folders may be worth considering. You…1 · -
Re: Multiple Contacts in a cell
You can try: =COUNTIFS({Contact range}, CONTAINS(Name@row, @cell)) where {Contact range} could be the column range such as [Assigned To]:[Assigned To] or referencing a range in another sheet Name@row…1 · -
Re: Formula to update status on a parent row based on child row with OR statement
=IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Not Started") = COUNT(CHILDREN()), "Not Started", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "In Progress") = COUNT(CHILDREN()), "In Progress", IF(COUNTIF…2 ·